Category Archives: CEO’s Blog

Olympic Dreams

I am the first to say that I am not much of a television watcher. If you ask me “Have you seen. . .?’ the answer is invariably no. I…

Capturing the Past

For Mother’s Day this year, one of our very thoughtful children gave me a gift that surprised me.  It was the gift of a story project that is a year-long…

Finding Freedom

In the world of older adult care and services, the process of evolution has been a constant.  In the words of Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you…


When we look up the word “unity,” one of the definitions given for this word is “a condition of harmony.” It’s an interesting definition in today’s world where disharmony appears…

Shades of Gray

For the last few years, perhaps longer, we seem to be living in a world in which everything is black and white, there are no shades of gray. In families,…

95% paradise

We must understand that this fight is for both our homeland and our very survival – we must support Israel with more than just wordsRead More

Prioritizing Priorities

The world of long term care services is clearly under the microscope right now.  There are actions taking place in our government to dictate the amount of nursing staffing that…

Let My People Go

In just a few days we will be joining in the Passover Seder and telling the story of our ancestors leaving Egypt. We’ll focus on the theme of “let my…

Being Present

Maybe you know the quote that “90% of life is showing up.”  It’s a sentiment that rings true on so many levels and in so many ways.  And nowhere is…


For many of us who work with older adults, ageism is—like it or not—a fact of life.  We see it play out daily in the way that society minimizes our…

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