Category Archives: CEO’s Blog


Over the course of the last two weeks I have had the opportunity to attend two different professional conferences that brought together senior care providers from a wide variety of…

The Way Forward

Last week, we celebrated Purim across our organization. It’s the holiday that seems to bring joy to our staff and the elders we serve alike. We dress in costumes, decorate…

Seeking Normalcy

This past weekend I had the opportunity to see a Broadway show, one of the great privileges of living within a 40 minute drive of New York City.  The city…

Sticks and Stones

Perhaps your mother used the same expression that mine did, she would say “Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you.”  I heard those words…

Still There

Imagine being trapped in a body that no longer serves you, your brain still functioning but lacking the ability to speak or even move voluntarily. Imagine still being the “you”…

Finding Kindness

Have you been in an airport lately? I have had a couple of flights in recent months and was struck by the signs posted by a number of the airlines.…

Holding Hope

At a point in time, I talked about “the last 18 months” when I talked about COVID and the experience we have had with this virus.  I switched that in…

What Lies Ahead

As the 2021 year approached, I remember saying that I could not wait for 2020 to be over.  In fact, my New Year’s words were not so much “Happy New…

Moving Forward

For those of us who work with older adults, the last two years have been filled with challenges. We battled a virus we knew nothing about, that spread in ways…

Beyond Grief

Although I love Thanksgiving and having our family gathered again this year was a true joy, from about the middle of November I begin to feel my annual dread of…

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