The Jewish Home Family is Committed to Acting with Transparency and Proactive Responsiveness During the COVID-19 Pandemic
For any urgent matters regarding residents of our facilities, (800) 484-0493 is the Jewish Home Family’s COVID hotline number. If you have urgent questions or concerns, please call this number and leave a message. We will respond to your voicemail promptly. Thank you for your ongoing support of the Jewish Home Family.
For questions about our procedures for new admissions to the Jewish Home at Rockleigh call 201-750-4234 and Jewish Home Assisted Living call (201) 478 4262.

(800) 484-0493 is the Jewish Home Family’s COVID hotline number. If you have urgent questions or concerns, please call this number and leave a message. We will respond to your voicemail promptly. Thank you for your ongoing support of the Jewish Home Family.
New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub
CDC LTC and AL Guidelines